Publication Ethics

Authorship and Contributorship

Greensusmater adheres to clear and transparent policies regarding authorship and contributorship to ensure that all individuals who have significantly contributed to the research and its reporting are appropriately recognized. Our policies are designed to clarify the roles and responsibilities of authors and contributors, as well as to provide a framework for resolving disputes should they arise.

Criteria of Authorship

Authorship should be limited to those who have made a significant contribution to the conception, design, execution, or interpretation of the reported study. All those who have made substantial contributions should be listed as co-authors.

Contributors who have participated in certain substantive aspects of the research project but do not meet the criteria for authorship should be acknowledged or listed as contributors in a separate section, specifying their role and contribution.

We encourage the use of a contributorship statement, where each author’s specific contribution to the work is clearly stated. This enhances transparency and accountability by providing a detailed account of each author’s role in the research.

Managing Authorship Disputes

To prevent disputes, we advise that the corresponding author confirms the final list of authors and their order of appearance with all co-authors before submitting the manuscript.

In the event of an authorship dispute, Greensusmater will initiate a resolution process based on COPE guidelines. This process involves:

  • Dialogue with the corresponding author and, if necessary, all contributing authors to understand the nature of the dispute.
  • Review of the contribution statements and any other relevant documentation.
  • Mediation to reach an agreement on authorship that reflects the actual contributions to the work.

All discussions and decisions regarding authorship disputes will be documented. The final decision will be communicated to all parties involved, ensuring that the resolution process is transparent and fair.

Conflicts of Interest / Competing Interests

Greensusmater is dedicated to ensuring the integrity and transparency of its publication process. A conflict of interest, often referred to as a competing interest, occurs when an individual's personal interests could unduly influence their judgment or actions in their professional roles. To uphold the highest ethical standards, "Greensusmater" has established clear policies and procedures for identifying and managing conflicts of interest for authors, reviewers, editors, and the journal itself.

Definitions and Disclosure

A conflict of interest exists when professional judgments concerning a primary interest (such as the validity of research) may be influenced by secondary interests (such as financial gain, personal relationships, academic competition, or intellectual passion).

Authors, reviewers, and editors are required to disclose any potential conflicts of interest at the earliest possible stage, preferably at the time of submission for authors and upon invitation for reviewers and editors.

Handling Conflicts of Interest

  • Authors must include a statement in their manuscript detailing any potential conflicts of interest, or a declaration that they have none. This information should be provided in a separate section before the references.
  • Reviewers must disclose any conflicts of interest that could bias their opinions of the manuscript. Should such conflicts exist, they will be recused from the review process.
  • Editors who have conflicts of interest with a submitted manuscript must recuse themselves from handling the manuscript and assign it to another member of the editorial team.
  • Journal and Publisher: Greensusmater and its publisher ensure that all editorial decisions are made free from any commercial influence or other conflicts of interest.

Allegation of Misconduct

At Greensusmater, we are committed to upholding the highest standards of publication ethics and integrity. We recognize the importance of addressing allegations of misconduct thoroughly and transparently, whether they arise before or after publication. Our process for handling such allegations is designed to ensure fairness, confidentiality, and the protection of all parties involved.

Handling Allegations of Misconduct

  • Clear Process: Greensusmater has established a clear and detailed process for investigating allegations of misconduct. This process is readily accessible and communicated to authors, reviewers, editors, and readers through our website and publication materials.
  • Pre- and Post-Publication Allegations: We take all allegations of misconduct seriously, regardless of whether they occur before or after the publication of a research article. Our commitment is to investigate every claim with due diligence and integrity.
  • Whistleblower Policies: Greensusmater acknowledges the role of whistleblowers in maintaining the integrity of scientific research. We ensure that whistleblowers can report concerns confidentially and without fear of retribution. Our policies protect the rights of whistleblowers while ensuring a fair and unbiased investigation process.
  • Investigation Procedure:
    • Upon receiving an allegation, the editor-in-chief (or a designated ethics officer) will conduct a preliminary assessment to determine the validity of the claim.
    • If the allegation warrants further investigation, a confidential inquiry will be initiated, following COPE guidelines.
    • All parties involved in the allegation will be notified and may be asked to provide information or evidence related to the claim.
    • The investigation will be conducted in a manner that respects the confidentiality and rights of all individuals involved.
  • Resolution and Action:
    • Based on the findings of the investigation, appropriate actions will be taken. This may include corrections, retractions, and the implementation of measures to prevent future misconduct.
    • Decisions and actions taken will be communicated to the relevant parties and, where necessary, to the broader scientific community.
  • Documentation and Review: All cases of investigated misconduct will be documented, and the procedures and outcomes will be reviewed periodically to improve the process and prevent future occurrences.

Complaints and Appeals

At Greensusmater, we are dedicated to upholding the highest standards of integrity and transparency in scholarly publishing. We understand the importance of addressing any concerns related to our journal's practices, staff, editorial board, or publisher promptly and respectfully. To ensure a constructive resolution process, we have established a straightforward procedure for managing complaints and appeals.

If you have a concern, we encourage you to reach out directly to our editorial office via email, providing a detailed account of the issue along with any pertinent documentation. We commit to acknowledging your complaint within a specified timeframe, typically within 7 business days, and initiating a thorough review. Our investigation process is designed to be fair and confidential, involving an initial assessment by the editor-in-chief or a designated impartial team member to determine the validity of the complaint. Should further investigation be warranted, we will gather additional information from all involved parties, maintaining confidentiality throughout.

The findings of our investigation will inform our resolution, which will be communicated to all affected individuals. We strive to resolve complaints in a manner that reinforces the trust and respect of our academic community. Should you be dissatisfied with the outcome, we offer an appeals process whereby additional evidence can be submitted for review by an independent committee established by the publisher.

Greensusmater is committed to resolving complaints and appeals with fairness, ensuring that every voice is heard, and every concern is addressed in a manner that upholds the integrity of our journal and the trust of the scholarly community we serve.

Ethical Oversight

Greensusmater is firmly committed to upholding the highest ethical standards in all aspects of our publishing process. Ethical oversight is a cornerstone of our operations, ensuring that the research we publish and the practices we follow meet rigorous ethical guidelines. Our policies encompass a wide range of considerations, including but not limited to:

Consent to Publication

We require that all published research involving human participants includes proper consent to publication where identifiable information is present. This includes ensuring that participants are aware of the publication and its scope and have given explicit consent where necessary.

Research Involving Vulnerable Populations

Special care and consideration are taken when publishing research involving vulnerable populations. We adhere to international guidelines to ensure that research is conducted with the utmost respect for the rights and dignity of participants, ensuring that they are not exploited or exposed to harm.

Ethical Conduct in Animal Research

Research involving animals is subject to strict ethical review, in line with internationally recognized standards. We require that all such research demonstrates a clear scientific purpose, minimizes animal suffering, and provides details of the ethical review process it has undergone.

Human Subjects Research

We uphold the highest ethical standards for research involving human subjects, requiring that all studies are conducted in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki or equivalent standards. This includes ensuring that all research has undergone appropriate ethical review and approval, and that participants have given informed consent.

Handling of Confidential Data

The confidentiality and privacy of research data, especially that which could identify participants, are of paramount importance. We have strict policies in place for the handling, storage, and sharing of such data to prevent unauthorized access and ensure data protection.

Ethical Business and Marketing Practices

Greensusmater is committed to conducting all business and marketing activities in an ethical manner, free from misleading information and in full compliance with legal and professional standards.

Data and Reproducibility

Greensusmater champions the principles of openness and transparency in scientific research, recognizing the critical importance of data availability and reproducibility in enhancing the credibility and impact of scholarly work. To this end, we have implemented the following policies:

Data Availability

We encourage authors to make the data underlying their research findings publicly accessible whenever possible. This may involve depositing data in a recognized open data repository, providing it in supplementary materials, or including a statement in the manuscript on how the data can be accessed. Our goal is to facilitate the validation, replication, and further exploration of research findings.

Reporting Guidelines

Greensusmater supports the use of standard reporting guidelines, such as CONSORT for clinical trials, PRISMA for systematic reviews and meta-analyses, and STROBE for observational studies, among others. Adherence to these guidelines ensures the comprehensive and transparent reporting of research, contributing to the reproducibility and reliability of scientific results.

Registration of Clinical Trials

In line with best practices in medical and health research, we require the registration of clinical trials in a publicly accessible registry at or before the time of first patient enrollment. This policy supports transparency in research design and execution and prevents selective reporting of results.

Post-Publication Discussions and Corrections

Greensusmater recognizes the importance of ongoing dialogue and the continuous evolution of scientific understanding post-publication. We are committed to facilitating post-publication discussions and ensuring the accuracy and integrity of our published records through the following mechanisms.

Open Dialogue

We encourage scholarly debate and discussion following publication. This can take place through dedicated sections on our site, such as comments or letters to the editor, or on moderated external platforms like PubPeer.

Corrections and Revisions

In the spirit of maintaining the scholarly record's integrity, Greensusmater has established clear procedures for correcting, revising, or retracting articles. Corrections or revisions are published promptly to address minor errors or inaccuracies, ensuring the continued reliability of our content.


In cases where significant errors or ethical breaches compromise an article's integrity, retraction may be necessary. Greensusmater follows best practices for retraction, providing transparent reasons and maintaining the retracted article's visibility in the academic record, marked clearly as retracted.

Intellectual Property

Greensusmater is committed to clear and transparent intellectual property policies, ensuring that authors, readers, and the broader community understand their rights and responsibilities:

  • Copyright and Licensing: Our policies regarding copyright and publishing licenses are clearly articulated to affirm that authors retain copyright while granting Greensusmater the license to publish and disseminate the work. We typically utilize Creative Commons licenses to facilitate open access, with details available on our website.
  • Publication Costs: Any fees or costs associated with publishing in Greensusmater, including article processing charges, are transparently disclosed to authors upfront. We aim to make our pricing structure clear and understandable to ensure that authors can make informed decisions about submitting to our journal.
  • Prepublication Considerations: We define prepublication as any dissemination of research findings before formal peer review and publication in a scholarly journal. Our policies clarify what forms of prepublication might affect consideration for publication in Greensusmater, such as prior publication in another peer-reviewed journal or posting on preprint servers.
  • Plagiarism and Redundancy: Greensusmater has strict policies against plagiarism and redundant or overlapping publications. Plagiarism encompasses the unauthorized use or close imitation of the language and thoughts of another author without attribution. Redundant publication refers to the inappropriate division of study outcomes into several articles or the submission of the same or very similar articles to more than one journal. We employ plagiarism detection software and thorough peer review to uphold the originality and integrity of our published content.